Wednesday 2 May 2012

Yang Terjadi Dibalik SS4INA

Tadi malem, berkaitan dengan gagalnya konser  Avenged Sevenfold, aku iseng2 buka twitternya para promotor indonesia dari showmaxx sampe soundrythm (kalo promotornya AX7 itu showmaxx). Tapi entah kenapa aku juga muter2 (?) di soundrythm terus aku check favoritenya. dan ternyata ada yang ngemention sound ryhtm tentang cuapnya (?) salah satu elf yang tau apa aja perjuangan untuk ngewujud in konser semegah SS4.

*notes: sebelumnya maaf kalo ada yang udah tau soal ini (terutama elf). tapi bagi yang belum tahu silakan baca. hehe*

ini dia twit superpanjang yang ditulis elf itu. *aku ngopi dari writelonger*

Sedih liat temen2   yg sukses jual 3500 tiket dapet booth-nya kek gini#promotorkemarensore

Harusnya dapet ID 2 biji .. Nyampe venue ternyata hanya dapet satu ajahhhh .. Heu kasian fotografer gw#promotorkemarensore

Ternyata dapet ID akhirnya 2 tapi gak bisa masuk media pit dan moto .. Jadinya nonton dehhh ..

Pihak media relation, security, promotor keknya gak pernah miting, briefing, ngobrol bareng. Banyak banget miskom #promotorkemarensore

Tapi berbahagialah ELF, media dan saya sendiri ELP (everlastingpakbadi) yg nonton #SS4INA day 2 gini

konser suju di Indo ini dibantu oleh dua fanbase suju yaitu Twelfs dan Sujunesia. mereka jual 3500 tix almost 7 miliar #promotorkemarensore

pokoknya salah satu korban dari keganasan #promotorkemarensore di konser Super Junior adalah TwELFs dan Sujunesia.

gak diperhatiin. gak diurusin. malah mereka kudu ngurus masalah tiket yang belum ditempelin stiker hologram yg harusnya jadi kerjaaan dari promotor.

1 teman saya yang membeli tiket dengan duit yaitu  menjadi KEGANASAN#promotorkemarensore gak bisa nonton di tempat semestinya

bnyk wartawan cetak hampir menjadi korban keganasan ga adanya koordinasi #promotorkemarensore dgn pihak yang dia HIRE u/ jd media relation

untungnya pihak media relation cepet tanggap dan akhirnya wartawan cetak bisa masuk dan nonton siap2 bikin liputan.

semoga aja tuh #promotorkemarensore hidupnya gak melarat abis ngerjain temen2 gw di twelfs dan sujunesia.

temen2 sujunesia dan twelfs yg harusnya dpt hotel dr #promotorkemarensore eh gak jadi dan akhirnya booking hotel bayar sendiri

sangat salut buat temen2 di TwELFs dan Sujunesia .. kalian banyak amal dan rejeki kedepan chinggu. itu hasil ulah #promotorkemarensore

teman saya beli tiket seharga Super VIP. tapi dia gak bisa masuk super VIP dipindahin ke Junior VIP. harus dikasihani? #promotorkemarensore

gw sih ucapkan terimakasih tapi gw cukup bete khususnya dengan perlakuan kepada bbrp teman gw dari#promotorkemarensore

tapi tenang review gw tentang konser itu hanya bener2 tok produksi konser jadi bisa senyum lu nyet#promotorkemarensore

opengs to : emangnya parah pisan ya, man? Pihak sujunya sendiri udh kedengeran komplain belom ama promotornya? *punten ga ngikutin*

hotmanism to  : gw denger gossip si #promotorkemarensore gara2 konser hari pertama yg tgl 27 april dimarahin ama pihak SUju krn ada fans yg kecewa dan kedengeran sm SuJu nya

btw... konser Suju kemaren juga kena jadi korban PLN alias mati lampu ... bwahahahahhaha

gw rasa dengan kasus banyak tiket palsu berkeliaran. public sales yg dibikin #promotorkemarensore gak efektif. calon diamuk SM ent tuh XDDD

buat #promotorkemarensore .. kalo dimarahin ama Official SM Entertainment .. crita2 donk di twitter. kali ajah bisa dpt TTWW #oops

 : banyak kasus lah mulai dari tiket banyak yang palsu keluar. konser hari ratusan org gak bisa masup. trus aneh lah nih promotor

nadiadea to@hotmanism IMHO mrk tuh promotor yg ga bs di percaya. I get dissapointed a lot at paramore's. Everything sucks!

wah ternyata bukan  ajah yang dipindahin tempat nontonnya. ada banyak yang ngalamin juga ternyata .. ckckckck

everybody get dissappointed from them since Paramore, incubus and the latest Evanesence and now Super Junior

 sumpah ya Man,hari ini staf TwELFs & Sunes sama sekali gak dikasih konsumsi, gak ditengok sekali pun.

wah ternyata Staff dari TwELFs dan Sujunesia yang NGASIH almost 7 Miliar ke #promotorkemarensore gak ditengok dan dikasih konsumsi. RT pls

aduh gw berharap ada ELF Indonesia yang punya koneksi ama ELF Korea yg deket ama orang SME biar dilaporin ulah #promotorkemarensore

buat temen2 di   kalian bener2 SUPERWOMAN buat ELF yang beli tiket buat kalian. Bukan PENGECUT kek #promotorkemarensore

next i won't attend any gigs from them ... gw tunggu ajah DVD=nya gw beli deh. Gak ribet .. :)

 Pada akhirnya cukup lega karena tahu gak cuma sendirian merasa kesel sama tim#promotorkemarensore yang terhormat

kalau bayar tiket harganya jutaan, terus pas konsernya ngga kebagian kursi; menurut-lo, promotornya oke ngga?

updated today:
cc  RT There won't be next time!

blog-nya  kabarnya udah sampe kekuping promotor itu.masih diem. nunggu ahh surat terbuka dari  dan  ntar malem ah

gw jadi penasaran ama cerita reporter representative dari 10Asiaplus di Indonesia itu cc 

itu kira2 twt yg berhubungan ttg ss4 ina kmrn klo pgn tau lbh byk cari yg hashtag #promotorkemarensore aja kayaknya media2 byk pake hashtag itu buat berkeluh kesah xD

 Dear Indonesian ELF, we hear you. We'll clarify everything tonight. Thank you. #SS4INA

via  The amount of vitriol Indonesian ELFs are spewing towards TwELFs/Sujunesia is scary. They should know the truth behind all this.

 Buat yg kmrn marah2 sama staf TwELFs/Sujunesia, asal lo tau aja, mereka VOLUNTEER, ga dibayar/dikasih konsumsi/boro2 tiket gratis -
-c- Tanpa TwELFs/Sunes, ELF daerah ga akan bisa dapet akses tiket krn rajakarcis is full calo & mana bisa antri kaya budak pas public sale.

 On day 3, Showmaxx move fans with super fest tag to super box because "it's already full in super fest". Another proof of incompetence.

via  Asal lo tau, yg usaha mati2an utk bawa SJ ke sini itu bukan Showmaxx, tp seorang cewe yg ELF jg. Dia yg bolak balik rapat sm SME. cc: 

Showmaxx itu harusnya tinggal konsen aja ngurus konsernya, krn manajemen artis dan tetek bengeknya udah di-handle sm si ELF ini.

If you know her credibilities, she's met SMent & SJ multiple times since SS1 in Seoul and kept in touch with them till this SS4 finally happening in Jakarta this year.

She's also head of Arirang Indonesia fan club and been accommodating ticketing orders for SMent related concerts thru Asia. 

Gue lg BBMan sm si ELF dan dia jg mengaku sgt kecewa sm Showmaxx. Dan skrg gue nangis heboh krn gue ngerasa dizhalimi bgt sm Showmaxx.

Everything is ending soon. After this, I'm not interested in having anything to do with them anymore.
All I can say is thank you everyone who knows the real truth, who has supported us physically and morally. I love you all. <3

nah! ngga nyangka banget ternyata showmaxx kurang persiapan dan musti ngerahin 2 fanbase ELF di indonesia. sedihnya lagi 2 fanbase itu ngga dapet apa2 setelah perjuangan superberat yang udah mereka kasih buat terwujudnya konser semegah SS4. dan kalo ada pujian2, siapa yang kena? showmaxx kan? padahal aslinya... *geleng kepala*

dan pencarianku berlanjut ke 2 fanbase itu (kalo yang ditulis oleh mayblue, silakan check sendiri ya. banyak twit yang menarik yang ia tulis *mulai dari suju yang boww sebelum masuk pesawat sampai celana member EXO yang ketinggalan xD). 2 fanbase itu nulis apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di web mereka. dan ini dia open letternya :
*maap masih original pake bahasa inggris, tapi ini gampang dipahami kog ;)*
     This letter is written by TwELFs and Sujunesia. What we state in this letter are facts. We don’t have any intention to slander anyone. We are merely conveying our critics and input as well as a clarification to all ELF who have been in contact with us for the last month.
     In regards to what happened during tickets redemption, we were told that there would be a booth for us to distribute the tickets. On the 26th of April, we had asked the location of the booth, but none of the staff knew where it was. On the 27th, it turned out that there was no booth for us, forcing us to distribute the tickets in a commercial café. Later, the security told us to move out, but they were kind enough to relocate us to the marketing office of Ancol. In the afternoon, there was finally news about our booth, which was located on a side of a road and we thought that it wasn’t a decent enough location, considering the number of people that were going to redeem their tickets through us. After the first concert, we asked for a spot in an empty parking field and they said yes. The next day, our booth was still not ready by 8 am and we were told that they had set up a booth for us in KPopLand, where all of the official booths were located. We were set behind the stage and the people from Rajawali helped us through everything, especially in maintaining the queue. On the last day of the concert, our booth was empty. There was no staff at all to assist us in anything, while on the other hand, the queue was already very long. In the end, it was the people from KPopLand and Rajawali who helped us to distribute the tickets. They had been very helpful, while none of the promoter’s staff visited us to check things out. Not even to offer us any drinks or food. Since day one.
     Regarding the tickets, the promoter had a system that the tickets could only be given a day before the concert. So on the 26th, we took the tickets for the 27th. Since there were only around 200 tickets for the 27th April concert, there wasn’t any major problem. Then we tried to get the 1,500 tickets for the 28th April concert. We met them at midnight after the concert and they said that the tickets weren’t sorted out yet. We told them that we’d wait, because we still had to sort out the tickets again for each provinces. We finally got our tickets at 4 in the morning. We were also given additional holograms to be stuck on the tickets, a new system they just made up due to the many illegally copied tickets in the first concert. We spent the rest of dawn to stick a hologram in each ticket, resulting in our late opening of the booth in the morning of 28th April. Lesson learned, we asked so that our tickets could be prioritized to make tickets distribution on April 29th smoother. What happened was, on 29th morning, our 1,600 tickets were still not released. They were released around 8 am and still we had to put a hologram sticker on all of them. We finally opened our booth 2 hours later from the announced schedule. Even then, we still didn’t get all of the tickets that we needed. There was still a number of Junior VIP L seating tickets that we still needed and we kept asking them to release the tickets soon. In the end, they told us that the particular tickets were seats which faced the wall, and they’d feel bad if they release them to us. So they upgraded those tickets into Super Fest H. There was nothing we could do about it, for it was beyond our authority.
     Our ticket distribution went haywire due to the lack of information around the venue. Even though the promoter had been mentioning us numerous times during the press conference and on Twitter, apparently the staff didn’t know that we existed. People had a hard time finding our booth, and there was no information booth either in the venue.
     Through this open letter, we’d like to convey our deepest apology to each and every ELF for the inconvenience we had caused. We are very, very,verysorry. We have tried our best, and we are aware of our mistakes during the whole Ticket Coordination. We admit our mistakes whole-heartedly. To any ELF who had been having problems with their provincial administrators, we also apologize. Yes, we are the one who selected these volunteers and it’s our fault for any wrongs they had done. However, please note that all of these provincial administrators have also done their best. None of us are getting paid for this. We did this because we are ELF and that’s it.
     We’d also like to thank a number of people who have helped us through this roller coaster ride. We’d like to thank Mei who has given us a chance to be actively involved in Super Show 4 Indonesia. You should know thatsheis the ELF who has done her hardest to negotiate and bring Super Junior to Indonesia. Next, we’d like to thank each and every provincial and oversea administrators for helping us in coordinating the tickets. We can never thank you enough. We deeply apologize for any wrongs we have done towards you. We’re very sorry. We appreciate your help very much and we will never forget this ever. We also apologize that we didn’t have the time to chat more with you when we met in the venue, because we were busy distributing the tickets. We hope someday in the future, we can meet again and have a proper chat and spaz with each other. Then we’d like to thank the whole Rajawali and Mata Elang staff that were very helpful during the ticket distribution. Without them all, it would be chaos in KPopLand. Even with no early coordination or instruction from the promoter, they still helped us and they were very quick in deciding the necessary things to do. We’re very sorry we couldn’t get you any food nor drinks during the hungriest time of the day, because we didn’t get any food or drinks either. We know you’re very tired, that’s why we really appreciate your help. Of course we’d also like to thank our friends who had helped us during the ticket distribution as additional manpower. We apologize for there’s nothing we can give you and we thank youso muchfor helping us in such short notice. Thank you, thank you,thank you.
      Last but not least, we’d like to thank each and every ELF who have supported us through the whole thing, be it physically or morally. We wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t because of your support since the very beginning. We apologize for any emails and mentions unreplied. Please note that we do read them all. We know that there is still a lot of you disappointed in us and we apologize once again. For any of you who have bought tickets from us and ended up not seeing the concert, please send an email to and we’ll try our best to seek a refund of your money to the promoter. We apologize again for the lack of promise we can give you in regards to this matter.
     To the promoter, we never asked for a hotel room near the venue, we never asked any budget for food, transport, and telephone. We didn’t even ask for the media passes that you gave us, which in the end couldn’t be used anyway. We could get our own room, which in the end we did; we could get our own food; we were even going to buy our own tickets. All we asked of you was a decent access to distribute the tickets you had entrusted to us. That’s all.
     Well, lesson learned. To all promoters, if you plan to take a fanbase in a partnership and ask them to work, give them decent facilities and access to get the work done. If you can’t give them such thing, it’d be better if you don’t take their hands in the first place. To all fanbases, if you plan to work together with a promoter, for whatever job description, no matter how small, ask for a contract. Just because you’re a fan, it doesn’t mean you’d do anything for your favorite artists. You’re still an ordinary human being with basic needs.
     This is the end of our open letter and we hope we have clarified everything on our part. For anything else, please ask the promoter, because outside of Ticket Coordination, it is beyond our authority and we don’t know anything about it either.
Thank you.
TwELFs and Sujunesia

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setidaknya sekarang kita tahu siapa yang sebenarnya bekerja keras dan betapa kita sangat berterimakasih atas kerjakeras mereka :)

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